We provide business resources & support for every level of business.

There are times when we all experience a sense of being stuck in our business, like we're in a state of limbo and in desperate need of guidance before everything starts falling apart. Some individuals seek help and access available resources, while others struggle to keep their heads above water as they find themselves sinking deeper into the challenges. Now, picture having a team of professionals who can guide you through the obstacles of being in this business limbo. When you're seeking ways to expand and grow your business, sinking is not an option if you want to move forward at a faster pace. We have a dedicated team of coaches, website developers, and business advisors who are ready and eager to assist you on this journey.

man wearing grey hoodie standing on mountain looking at river
man wearing grey hoodie standing on mountain looking at river

Scale in Limbo

Business Resources For Entrepreneurs.



person wearing suit reading business newspaper
person wearing suit reading business newspaper
person holding Visa card and white device
person holding Visa card and white device

Business Sites | Non-Profit | Donation | E-Commerce Website | Website Hosting | Landing & Coming Soon Page

man in white dress shirt sitting beside woman in black long sleeve shirt
man in white dress shirt sitting beside woman in black long sleeve shirt

Let us help you start your business every step of the way!

What does the American Dream look like for you?

Donations & Non-profit: https://www.socteefoundation.com/

Sports, Donations & Non-profit: https://www.ballin2bablessing.org/

Hair & Wholesale Wigs & Extensions: https://www.bosshaircompany.com/

Distributor Hair Website: https://awghairboutique.com/

Some people think that the true American Dream is landing a high paying job and working a 9-5. There's nothing against living that dream. But a lot of us were conditioned to going to college, going into a significant debt just to position ourselves to better jobs, but that's not always the case.

In the mist of searching for that dream job; weeks, months and years go by, and that student loan interest rate continues to skyrocket. For some of us in the blue-collar workplace, you'll discover that you also need job experiences coming in as a new graduate. The interest continues to grow while you take on a job that lowballs you due to the lack of onsite experience.

What you'll eventually learn is that, with a degree you become highly overqualified for most jobs because of your level of education, and businesses will not pay you your worth. Then you'll see that you're also under qualified for the jobs within your desired field because you haven't been cultivated with the proper job experience.

Where the rubber meets the road.

When you're beyond the stage of being overworked, underpaid and not valued, you begin to start seeking options to work for yourself. You know your educational worth is more than what people are willing to pay, and for this, you begin to explore self-employment options. If you're at a point in your life where this is you, and looking to transition into working for yourself, this is the website for you!

With scale in limbo, we focus on cultivating Entrepeneur's. We provide business coaching, support & resources to grow your business. Additionally, we help your business to get discovered online, and virtually. With our website services, SEO - to generate organic traffic to your site, and we assist with business legitimization. This includes business renewals, changes to business, operating documents, and more.

Predict the future by creating it.

Business Resource Center

gray and blue Open signage
gray and blue Open signage

Nonprofit organizations, model, hair, makeup, sports, photography, beauty, product, service and much more!

focus photography of person counting dollar banknotes
focus photography of person counting dollar banknotes
person standing near the stairs
person standing near the stairs

Check out some of the business websites we've built.

black nikon dslr camera on white printer paper
black nikon dslr camera on white printer paper

Scale in Limbo